11 Steps To Get More Twitter Followers (The proper way)

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Want to get more followers on Twitter fast? Well, this guide will help you gain followers on Twitter in legit ways. You can gain more than 10,000 followers over time by following these Twitter growth tips.

Key Takeaways

  • Optimize your avatar and cover picture to make a strong first impression.

  • Craft a compelling profile bio that highlights your niche and interests.

  • Tweet at the right times to maximize engagement and reach.

  • Engage actively with your followers through @messages and ask questions.

  • Use polls and other interactive content to boost engagement and attract more followers.

1. Your Avatar & Cover Picture

The word Avatar usually reminds us of a film, but you need to create a nice avatar for your Twitter account. Many of you think that uploading a picture to your Twitter account isn’t that much of a big deal. Believe it when I say that the picture you upload plays a very important role.

So stop yourself from uploading a picture that doesn’t show your face. People on Twitter want to know what you look like, and that is why having a good picture of you can help a lot in making people know what you look like and who you are. If you are working for a brand, use your brand avatar as the Twitter profile picture. This will make your tweets noticeable from the huge cloud of tweets. Make sure your avatar stands out from the long list of other profile avatars.

Other than the username, add a profile picture and header photo that represents you. For business accounts, instead of using your photo, use your brand logo. You also have an option to add a 160-character account description. It is an excellent opportunity for introducing your personal or professional side to users who visit your profile for the first time.

First, begin with your Twitter profile by choosing a clear, well-lit profile photo or a recognizable brand logo, ideally sized at 400×400 pixels. Next, select a cover image that reflects your personal or brand identity; this image is particularly useful for conveying a strong call to action, given the limited text space in your bio.

2. The Profile Bio

person optimizing Twitter profile bio on a laptop

Your profile bio is the first thing people see when they visit your Twitter profile, so it’s super important to get it right. Think of it as your elevator pitch – you have just 160 characters to tell the world who you are, what you do, and why they should follow you. A good bio is of utmost importance unless you’re already famous.

Be Brief and Clear

Your bio should be brief and to the point. Describe who you are, what you do, and what new followers can expect from your tweets. Mentioning any notable collaborations can give you a credibility boost.

Show Some Personality

Don’t be afraid to show a bit of your personality. Your bio is more Original with a Bit of Care – of – Humor or a Snippet of a Quote You can also opt to include a link to your About page or other website so that Twitter users can get to know more about you or your business.

Use Keywords and Hashtags

Use appropriate tags with industry keywords and location information This will help you to get exposure for your profile. Include specialty hashtags: Such as #MarketingGuru or #SocialMediaExpert.

Pin a Tweet

Whether that is pinning your best tweet You can have (or a quick introduction for new followers at the top of your profile, or similar actions) to catch the eye of new visitors as soon as they land. It is an excellent method to feature your top content or a special announcement.

 Just remember to flex those creative (and intellectual) writing muscles. This will go a long way in helping people know who you are and what you stand for.

3. The Right Time to Tweet

 On Twitter, timing is everything. To make this as easy as possible so your tweets get the widest audience, you have to time your tweets where engagement is (basically when your followers are awake). Now, this one can cause a bit of headache, but not to worry as I’ve got you covered.

Best Days to Tweet

According to research, the best days to tweet are Mondays and Thursdays. Hootsuite’s research suggests that 8 am on these days is prime time. So, if you’re just starting out, try posting regularly at these times.

Using Analytics Tools

This is especially important on platforms where the character count is limited (according to TwitLonger, the average tweet is around 34 characters long) so on these platforms you may need to get more specific by using tools like Circleboom, Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools look at your follower list and recommend when you should tweet. You should also have enough data after 30 days from your Instagram Insights analytics to utilize features such as Hootsuite Best Time to Publish to discover what the best posting times are for both your current and new followers.

Frequency Matters

Twitter is mostly still a time-ordered social network. Ergo, the more you publish, the more your posts are seen and clicked in aggregate. Keep in mind that at minimum, you want to post 6 times a day for good twitter marketing. 

Twitter forces a lot of decisions upon you because it is a very fast paced social network. Most importantly, timing tends to be important.

Experiment and Adjust

Try a variety of times and days and do not be discouraged if you do not initially see amazing results. Monitor your engagement rates and adjust your schedule accordingly. Remember, not every trick that works on one account will work on all accounts.

4. The @Messages Game

Engage Directly with Followers

One of the most effective ways to grow your Twitter following is through @messages. Replying to someone, or mentioning them in a tweet, does not only show that you are out there; that you have more than 0 tweets on your profile and you are not just a spam account, it also shows that you are an active twitter which means that whenever someone reply to you, mention you or you start a conversation, you will see it. This will help your followers be more engaged and make other likeminded individuals follow you.

Respond to Mentions

Always keep an eye on your mentions and respond to them promptly. This not only helps in maintaining a good relationship with your current followers but also makes you more visible to potential followers. Engaging with your community is key to growing your Twitter following.

Start Conversations

Do not rely on people reaching out, be proactive to begin conversations. Summarize your interesting questions, content, used #hashtags, tag for interest. This will allows you to widen your reach and appear more often in the search results on the platform.

Use @Messages Strategically

Strive to engage hashtags, influencers, and other users with your @messages. This will help you be seen by their followers, and maybe get some followers out of it. Be authentic in your interactions and not spammy.

The @messages is a pro-active and relational play. The more you engage, the more likely you are to gain new followers.

5. Ask Questions

person asking questions on Twitter

One of the best things about Twitter is the option to ask questions which makes it a high-engagement platform. It has people interested in retweeting you and sharing what they think like, especially when you ask a yes or no question. Ask questions regarding trending or hot topics in your niche. Q: You know a particular question that can largely enhance the engagement on your profile.

Types of Questions to Ask

  1. Trending Topics: Ask about current events or popular trends.

  2. Niche-Specific Questions: Focus on your industry or area of expertise.

  3. Feedback Questions: Ask for opinions on your content or products.

How to Ask Questions Effectively

  • Be clear and concise.

  • Make it relevant to your audience.

  • Engage with the responses you receive.

Asking the right questions can make your followers feel valued and heard, which in turn can help you build a stronger community.

Examples of Engaging Questions

  • “What’s your favorite tool for managing social media?”

  • “How do you stay updated with industry news?”

  • “What are your thoughts on the latest trend in our niche?”

Remember, after you find these posts, look for tweets with quality content and engage with them. Leave a comment, repost, or quote the post and share your thoughts.

6. Use Polls to Increase Engagement

Polls are one of the easiest ways to engage with the Twitter world. Since it’s easy to pick a choice, you are more likely to get a decent number of engagements. When composing a tweet, users can simply select the “add poll” option, type their question, fill in the choices, and set the duration for the poll (up to 7 days). Make sure to post polls about the niche/market you are in.

How to Create a Twitter Poll

  1. Click on the tweet composer.

  2. Select the “add poll” option.

  3. Type your question.

  4. Fill in the choices.

  5. Set the duration for the poll.

  6. Post it!

Benefits of Using Polls

  • Boost engagement with your existing followers.

  • People love to share polls with their friends, giving you instant exposure.

  • Helps in growing your Twitter follower count.

Tips for Effective Polls

  • Keep the questions relevant to your niche.

  • Make the choices simple and clear.

  • Use polls to gather opinions or feedback.

Polls are a fun and interactive way to connect with your audience. They not only increase engagement but also provide valuable insights into your followers’ preferences.

7. What to Tweet

Maintain niche relevance While building your Twitter followers, ensure that you maintain your niche. That means, regular posting of content related to your niche. If you are an SEO expert, make not only about the brand but about your tweet. Instead, post key language in your field and actively engage with your audience around the things they are interested in.

Tweet Regularly

It is not something you don’t know, but still worth mentioning. A bit different from Facebook or Instagram, where you can post 1-2x a day and call it a day, most tweets only last a matter of minutes on the timeline, so you have to improve your frequency to amplify the possibility of your message being seen.

Retweet Yourself

Extend the lifespan of your best Tweets by retweeting them. But not in a spammy way. Only retweet relevant, evergreen content, or reuse old content with relevant hashtags like #ThrowbackThursdays. Use the Quote feature to quote old posts from your feed.

Create Twitter Polls

Polls are a great way to increase engagement. They are fun, easy to participate in, and can provide valuable insights into what your followers think. Plus, they can help you understand your audience better, which is key to growing your Twitter Followers.

Share Visual Content

Visual content like images, videos, and infographics can significantly boost your engagement rates. People are naturally drawn to visuals, and tweets with images or videos tend to get more likes and retweets.

Engage with Current Events

Tweeting about current events can help you stay relevant and increase your visibility. Just make sure to add your unique perspective or value to the conversation. This can position you as a thought leader in your niche and attract more followers.

Pro Tip: For new bloggers, sharing a mix of your own content and curated content from others in your niche can help you build credibility and a loyal following.

8. Stick to Your Niche

When it comes to growing your Twitter following, sticking to your niche is crucial. This means consistently sharing content that is relevant to your specific area of expertise or interest. For instance, if you’re an SEO expert, don’t just tweet about your brand. Instead, share top content in your niche and engage with your audience on topics they care about.

Profitable Blog Niche

You can read this for more info: How to Find a Profitable Blog Niche It is slowly building your dedicated following of real people who are genuinely interested in hearing what you have to say. This will not only grow your followers but will increase your engagement.

Finding Long Tail Keywords

Use trending hashtags or popular hashtags in your industry in your tweets But be forewarned: too many hashtags screams unsolicited sales offers. Instead search for Long Tail Keywords those are specific to your niche, which attract the more targeted audience.

Keyword Cannibalization

To prevent Keyword Cannibalization always make sure that every _tweet _or _piece of content you put out has a specific use case. This will also keep your message concise and to the point, allowing easier comprehension of who you are.

Consistency is key. The closer you stay inside that nail, the more you are going to attract followers that are truly interested in what you blog about. 

9. Repeating Yourself

person using Twitter on a smartphone with multiple followers icons around

Repeating yourself on Twitter can be a smart move if done right. Not everyone sees your tweet the first time around, so it’s okay to tweet interesting stuff again. But remember, don’t overdo it. People will lose interest if you always repeat things you’ve already tweeted about.

Why You Should Tweet Your Post Multiple Times

When you tweet your post multiple times, you increase the chances of it being seen by a larger audience. This is especially important if you’re trying to gain thousands of followers on Twitter. Focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your target audience and engage with others by responding to their tweets.

Retweet Yourself

Extend the lifespan of your best tweets by retweeting them. But do it in a non-spammy way. Only retweet relevant, evergreen content, or reuse old content with relevant hashtags like #ThrowbackThursdays. Use the Quote feature to quote old posts from your feed.

Tweeting consistently is key. Social media platforms give more air time to accounts that post regularly. So, the more consistently you post, the more likely Twitter is to show your posts to your audience.

10. Linking Your Account

Linking your Twitter account to other platforms is a game-changer. It’s all about making your profile easily discoverable. Sharing your profile link is the easiest way to get people to follow you on Twitter. You can copy it both from the iPhone and Android smartphone app or from the web.

Promote Your Profile Across All Channels

To boost your follower count on Twitter, ensure your profile is easily discoverable on various platforms. Embed your Twitter handle in your digital footprint by adding a follow button on your website or blog. Encourage connections by including a link to your Twitter profile in your email signature. Even offline, feature your Twitter handle on your business cards and promotional materials.

Add Your Twitter Link to Your Email Signature

Even better: your employees’ email signatures. Really, all outgoing communications—newsletters, whitepapers, business cards, take-out menus—should include mention of your Twitter profile.

Promote Your Twitter on Other Social Accounts

Twitter is different enough from other social platforms that people will happily follow your Twitter and other accounts. So, remind your Instagram followers to check out your Twitter and you might just get a sudden boost in followers.

Build Internal Links by promoting your Twitter account in every way possible. This will help you create a network of connections that can lead to more followers.

11. Twitter Directories

people using Twitter on their phones, social media icons, networking, directory listings

Listing yourself in Twitter directories helps other users to find you. You can always add yourself in any particular category, as I often list myself under #WordPress, #SEO, and #Blogging categories. This is not the most effective, but still, it works to get targeted people and users.

How to Use Twitter Directories

  1. Choose the Right Category: Make sure to select a category that best represents your niche. This will help you attract more followers who are interested in your content.

  2. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your profile is complete with a clear photo, relevant keywords, and a compelling bio.

  3. Regularly Update Your Listing: Keep your directory listing up-to-date to reflect any changes in your focus or niche.

Benefits of Twitter Directories

  • Increased Visibility: Being listed in a directory makes it easier for people to find you.

  • Targeted Followers: You can attract followers who are specifically interested in your niche.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other users in the same category.

Listing yourself in Twitter directories is a simple step to quickly gain Twitter followers. While it may not be the most effective method, it still offers a way to get targeted people and users.

Popular Twitter Directories

While I don’t have a list of directories for now, you can find one such huge list online. Just search for Twitter directories and you’ll find plenty of options to choose from. Brands can use this feature to grow the follower count of CEO or public figures of a brand or a company.


So there you have it, folks! Growing your Twitter followers doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these 11 steps, you’re setting yourself up for success in a way that’s both effective and genuine. Remember, it’s all about being consistent, engaging with your audience, and staying true to your brand. No need for bots or spammy tactics—just good old-fashioned social media savvy. Now go out there and start tweeting your way to a bigger, better Twitter following!

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I update my avatar and cover picture?

It’s a good idea to update your avatar and cover picture regularly to keep your profile fresh and engaging. However, make sure they are consistent with your brand identity.

What should I include in my profile bio?

Your profile bio should include a brief description of who you are, what you do, and what followers can expect from your tweets. Use relevant keywords and hashtags.

When is the best time to tweet?

The best time to tweet depends on your target audience. Generally, tweeting during peak hours when your audience is most active can yield better engagement.

How can I effectively use @messages?

Use @messages to engage with your followers and other users. Respond to mentions, join conversations, and use them to build relationships and increase visibility.

Why should I use polls on Twitter?

Polls are a great way to increase engagement on your tweets. They encourage interaction and can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and opinions.

Is it okay to repeat tweets?

Repeating tweets can be effective if done correctly. Make sure to space them out and tweak the content slightly to keep it fresh and relevant.

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